A screen showing a full employee scheduling calendar

Employee Scheduling

Easily manage your staff’s work shifts with a few clicks.

Simplify Your Business Operations

Create, edit, and set recurring shifts without leaving the Scheduling screen.

Automate Schedules

Set recurring schedules for any employee.

Drag & Drop

Quickly move, extend, or shorten appointments.

Shift Details

Click into any shift to see details or make changes.
A screen showing a calendar view of a week against employee names and availabilities

Utilize Filters

Focus on the information you need by toggling filters such as name, position, and location.
A close-up showing that you can filter employees by position

See Affected Appointments

Get prompted to rebook appointments whenever a shift is moved.
A close-up showing that when you try to reschedule an employee's shift, 6 appointments are affected

Full Location Visibility

View and manage staff schedules across multiple locations — from one screen.
A full employee schedule calendar

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